邁克爾.溫納執導的大堆頭恐怖片,演員陣容鼎盛。但主要的是漂亮的新人克莉絲汀娜.雷恩絲,她飾演一名時裝模特兒,新近搬入紐約市布魯克林區的一幢高樓大廈之中,發現那裡住了很多奇奇怪怪的鄰居,並且不斷有怪聲音傳出。她好奇地調查後發現,這幢建築物原來是通往地獄的大門,而她則成為地獄門房。本片內容稍嫌單薄,但醞釀恐怖懸疑氣氛尚算不俗,而且一群觀眾熟悉的老牌演員不停出現也增加了不少觀影樂趣,包括:埃瓦.加德納、阿瑟.肯尼迪、喬西.法拉、傑夫.戈德布拉姆、馬丁.鮑爾薩姆、湯姆.伯蘭吉爾等。 A fashion model moves into a house inhabited (on the top floor) by a blind priest. She begins having strange physical problems, has trouble sleeping at night, and has some nasty flashbacks of her attempted suicide. She complains to the real estate agent of the noise caused by her strange neighbors, but finds out that the house is only occupied by the priest and herself, and ultimately discovers that she has been put in the house for a reason.